An Unforgettable Experience in Lund

Andrae Yoo Studying abroad in Lund, Sweden has been the most rewarding experience of my life. From the moment I arrived, I was struck by the beauty of the city and the warmth of its people. Lund is a picturesque university town with a rich history and a vibrant culture. As a student, I hadContinue reading “An Unforgettable Experience in Lund”

Embracing Hygge

Semester in Copenhagen Samantha Parmenter Being someone who did not have the opportunity to travel much as a child, I always jump at any chance I get to travel and embark on new adventures. When learning that I was able to study abroad, I excitedly went into a deep spiral of research on where IContinue reading “Embracing Hygge”

Finding Kindness in Copenhagen

Martina Sexton I was instantly drawn to Copenhagen, Denmark to study abroad because I wanted to be in a place that had a progressive stance on sustainable policy. I was nervous at first to study in such a far away place from home but it turned out to be one of the best decisions IContinue reading “Finding Kindness in Copenhagen”

High North Conference

Bodo, Norway Forrest Freeman It was a particularly non-arctic Day when I was called by a UC Berkeley representative from the university’s Nordic Center to see if I was interested in joining the High North Dialogue Academy. It was low 70’s, the sun was shining, I was out climbing near Stinson Beach in Marin County.Continue reading “High North Conference”

The Nordic Kafé

Reflections and Plans for the Future Susanna Lofvander The idea of the Nordic Kafé was conceived by a Berkeley student from Norway named Mina. The concept was a space to bring together people of different backgrounds with the same goal: to practice and learn Nordic languages. The Scandinavian department at Berkeley is humble in sizeContinue reading “The Nordic Kafé”

My Exchange in Uppsala: Lagom (just right)

Isabel Gatdula There is no direct English translation for the Swedish word lagom. It describes a balanced lifestyle that is not too much, not too little, but just right. That’s exactly how I felt about my experience in Uppsala. Everything about the university town made me feel content: life there was simple and sweet. AsContinue reading “My Exchange in Uppsala: Lagom (just right)”

Taking the Plunge: Copenhagen

Yara Eliyan I have always had a fascination with Northern Europe because of their lifestyle, architecture, and overall ‘vibe’. I wanted to get first hand experience in a city that combines its urban planning, transportation, and energy to make a sustainable city. Much of my time in classes is spent using theory and case studiesContinue reading “Taking the Plunge: Copenhagen”

An Ideal City for First Time International Students: Copenhagen

Patrick Jacobsen If you would have told my past self that I would end up spending a semester abroad in Copenhagen, he would have balked. Before the fall of 2022 I had never left the United States, except for a brief foray to see the Canadian side of the Niagara Falls. In fact, I hadContinue reading “An Ideal City for First Time International Students: Copenhagen”

Returning to Roots: Copenhagen

Jasmin Kongsberg For the entirety of my third year of university, I made the decision to study abroad at the University of Copenhagen. Despite being genetically connected to Denmark, as my dad is Danish, I had never spent an extended period of time living there and my time in Copenhagen was nothing short of culturalContinue reading “Returning to Roots: Copenhagen”

Living the Lagom Lifestyle in Lund

Rebekah Sim I’d say the most memorable sight I saw during my time in Lund was not the stunning 13th-century astronomical clock inside the Lund Cathedral or the charming University Library with its vines of vibrant autumn foliage gleaming in the sun. Instead, a hidden pillar of red granite with a shallow convex indent onContinue reading “Living the Lagom Lifestyle in Lund”

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